WP 4 Piloting of business model for B2B local food distribution
Local food networks use the support of project partners in testing the joint business model and for organizing the B2B distribution of local food products on daily basis. In case it's needed, then a special organization as sales intermediary/distribution company is involved to testing. For each pilot region the most appropriate organizational approach is selected, which is most applicable for this region taking into account the capacity and resources of local players (food providers, farmers, local food Network coordinators etc). The decision will be made in cooperation of project partners, local food networks and distribution organization in each participating country or regioon based on the analysis of different solutions as described in joint business model. Based on the output of WP3 the operational plans are composed for each pilot regioon taking into consideration the local situation (distances, size of the region, quantity and profile of potential clients, product range and production volumes of farmers/producers, potential sales volumes, staff cost level, storage capacity etc). The content and joint structure will be agreed by all partners during joint workshop. Partners in each country or region involve local business experts with good relevant experience for preparation of operational plans for each pilot region. These operational plans will be available also to other food networks in participating countries and regions, which can use them as examples when preparing their own plans. In that way partners ensure that the open-access principle will be respected (incl. wide dissemination on non-exclusive basis, transparent and widest possible access to al stakeholders, no intellectual property claims etc). Partners organize workshops in pilot regions with key players during preparation of operational plans and practical seminars introducing the plans to all relevant parties (farmers, catering/tourism businesses etc), who are involved to piloting. Operational plans are introduced and discussed in joint workshop of partners.
The pilot regions are (in two countries will be) selected based on following criterias: common local food identity of the region,availability of local food products, suffiecient number of catering/tourism businesses and shops as potential clients, high motivation in organizing B2B local food distribution, organizational resources and availability of basic infrastructure needed for organizing distribution and logistics of local food products.
Testing the business model of B2B local food distribution in pilot regions
In pilot regions distribution organization and local food networks start (or restart in next level) the distribution and logistics of local food products to business clients. The pilot period is ca 8 months (August 2019 – March 2020), during which the partner organizations monitor the local activities, organize min 3 working meetings for identification and discussion of operational problems and challenges, consult and coach them during meetings and using electronic communication channels etc. Local food nets involved to piloting will establish business contacts of farmers from their area, make agreements based on the operational plan with suppliers and clients, organize the stock planning and handling of orders as described in operational plan, organize the daily distribution and logistics of goods, collect constant feedback from suppliers and clients etc. In the end of the pilot period the interviews are conducted in each pilot region with all key players (distribution organization, food providers, farmers, coordinators of local food networks etc) using joint methodology for gathering the information about the challenges and success stories they were experiencing during the testing. Also quantitative data will be gathered and analyzed about the business performance, customer satisfaction etc using joint methodology and approach. Partners organize joint workshop of partners in the middle of testing period presenting and discussing the interim results and course of the testing. Based on the results of testing period the business model will be updated and finalized.
The project "Baltic Sea Food" involves 14 organisations from 10 Baltic Sea countries. The “Baltic Sea Food” project is partially financed by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme 2014-2020.